Stabilizing Stream Temperatures
Thermal BMP to Stabilize Stream Temperatures
Brown's Creek is impaired for biota and cold water assemblage (trout habitat). As identified in the Watershed District's Stormwater Mgmt. Plan, Brown's Creek Park was prioritized for the siting and development of a thermal BMP. The identification and selection of this site was the result of coordinating with the City of Stillwater and Washington County in considering future road and parking area forecasts and how these projects could aid in addressing Brown's Creek impairments. The thermal BMP, includes a bioswale and a rock crib combination that will serve to reduce the temperature of the parking area's stormwater runoff before it enters the nearby Brown's Creek.

Client Benefits
- First thermal retrofit in the Watershed District to mitigate the thermal impacts of public infrastructure.
- BMP meets objectives of both the Watershed District (in reducing thermal impairment of the creek), and the City of Stillwater (in addressing the MS4 municipal stormwater requirements).
- Feasibility analysis provided support for a BWSR Clean Water Fund Grant used to implement the project.