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EA for Noth River Inceptor

EA for Noth River Inceptor

EOR completed an Environmental Assessment (EA) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for the North River Interceptor Sewer Extension project in Norwalk, Iowa. The project involved an administrative action by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) for a modification to the conservation easement they hold on portions of land crossed by the sewer line.

EOR focused on preparing the initial project scoping to identify issues that needed to be addressed in the EA, preparation of the EA, and preparation of the Finding of No Significant Impact. In addition, EOR team also conducted the wetland delineation, habitat assessment, Phase I environmental site assessment, and the cultural resource inventory to support the review and its findings.

Our project partners team consisted of national experts in environmental planning, archaeologists; and environmental sciences. As part of the NEPA review, EOR collaborated with multiple federal, state, and local agencies to address interrelated issues involved with the project. The team's expertise has been particularly important in addressing potential impacts and developing appropriate mitigation strategies.

Client Benefits

  • Comprehensive knowledge of the MEPA process
  • Expert knowledge of water and ecological resources involving linear corridors
  • Deep understanding of traditional cultural properties and Native American consultation

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