EA for Wakan Tipi Cultural Center
EA for Wakan Tipi Cultural & Arts Center
The Wakan Tipi Center is a new cultural and arts center located in the EOR-contributed Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary which is located in the Mississippi River floodplain and has significant wildlife resources. As the new center received funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities, an Environmental Assessment (EA) was required as part of the permitting process.
The assessment area includes Wakan Tipi Cave, which is sacred to several Native American tribes, as well as historic industrial sites and nearby buildings listed on the National Historic Register, all of which required extra precautions during the assessment, making the EA more challenging. Additionally, EOR facilitated the tribal consultation required under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.

Client Benefits
- Team of leading leaders in mining and financial management managed locally.
- Developed customized, easy-to-update, cost estimation tools; comment tracking tools; and financial documentation.
- Developed customized statistical methods to continually assess and evaluate Financial Assurance risks to the state of Minnesota.
- Aggressive Financial Assurance calculations resulted mining practices and permit conditions that more effective protect the environment and natural resources.