Kinnickinnic River Rehabilitation
Kinnickinnic River Rehabilitation
EOR led the restoration plan and the implementation of habitat improvements for the lower Kinnickinnic River, a previously dredged channel that was experiencing frequent hypoxia, making fish passage difficult between the Milwaukee Harbor and the upper stream reaches.
EOR conducted an aeration pilot study to evaluate long-term aeration options and developed a restoration plan to improve habitat, increase flow velocities, and improve dissolved oxygen levels. The project included installation of rootwads and large boulders to improve instream habitat. Future restoration efforts may include channel reconstruction and the addition of an aeration system.

Client Benefits
- Aeration pilot tests and monitoring by boat.
- Hydraulic modeling to avoidfloodplain impacts.
- Analysis of Lake Michigan seiche conditions.
- Detailed cost estimates for river- based construction.
- Stakeholder review of design alternatives.