EAW for Nickel Mine in Northern Minnesota
EAW for Nickel Mine in Northern Minnesota
EOR is working with the Minnesota DNR to evaluate the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for the proposed Tamarack nickel mine in Aiken County, Minnesota. The mine would produce nickel, copper, and other metals essential for building electric vehicles and storage batteries. No copper nickel mines currently operate in the state, so it was necessary to reach out to other states to find experienced mining experts to evaluate the mine plan. EOR assembled a team of highly qualified engineers and scientists in the areas of mine engineering, mine waste handling, air quality, noise, wetlands and water resources, groundwater, wildlife, socioeconomics, and cultural resources assessment.
The EAW will serve as the scoping document for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to be completed in the future. The mine is controversial. Many individuals and organizations part in favor of the mind because it will provide jobs and a secure source of critical raw materials necessary for a green energy future. Other individuals and groups are concerned about the environmental impacts of nickel mining on air and water resources and on Native American cultural resources such as wild rice. EOR will be ready to assist with reviewing all the technical details, writing the EIS, and recording and incorporating all the comments received throughout the EAW/EIS process.

Client Benefits
- DNR has access to a team of highly qualified mining experts from outside the state.
- Project team includes local experts familiar with Minnesota natural resources, Native American tribes, and regulatory agencies.
- The Environmental Review team will provide consistent ongoing management of this review process; requiring more than five years to complete.