Terravessa Mixed-Use Sustainable Development
Terravessa Mixed-Use Sustainable Development
Terravessa is a new 243-acre high- density, residential and commercial plat in northeastern Fitchburg, WI. EOR led the planning effort using the City’s form-based zoning, designed streets and utilities, developed an approved stormwater management plan, monitored runoff in pre-development conditions, and observed construction. In addition, EOR helped negotiate approval through a legal settlement, specifying ambitious water quality performance standards and a rigorous monitoring program to protect the Waubesa Wetlands State Natural Area.
The designed system was built to accommodates high groundwater and fine-grained soils in many locations and features terraced biofiltration, permeable pavement, regional infiltration, and detention basins. The designed constitutes roughly 2.5 miles of storm sewers with connections to distributed infiltration practices throughout the development, including:
- 30+ raingardens,
- 250+ permeable asphalt parking stalls,
- permeable paver intersections,
- infiltration basins and a biofiltration swale

Client Benefits
- Approved stormwater management plan in challenging site & legal environment.
- Efficient design of storm sewers using the SWMM engine in Autodesk’s Storm and Sanitary Analysis.
- Desirable high-density development with green infrastructure stormwater controls.
- Community recognized with a 2023 Climate Champion Award from Dane County