Agricultural BMP Handbook for Minnesota
Agricultural BMP Handbook for Minnesota
The Agricultural BMP Handbook for Minnesota outlines the state's 32 most important conservation practices used for water quality and documents the advanced scientific research that supports these practices. The first of its kind, this handbook describes each practice and provides a review of the published pollutant removal mechanisms and the effectiveness of each BMP.
Outlining the realistic outcomes associated with the implementation of various conservation practices regarding pollutant reduction is a critical step in enhancing agriculture's role in addressing Minnesota's water quality concerns. The handbook represents the current published effectiveness data for the upper Midwest and is a must-have reference for consultants, agronomists, conservation and watershed district professionals, and producers for prioritizing practices that would have the greatest impact in reducing pollutant loadings.

Client Benefits
- Handbook will aid project managers, consultants, and stakeholders in developing TMDL studies and implementation plans within agricultural watersheds.
- Allows TMDL-related professionals to make informed decisions on adopting implement practices based on pollutants treated, cost, and potential barriers.

- 2013 Studies, Research, and Consulting - Honor Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC), MN Branch