Golf Course Water Reuse
Golf Course Water Reuse
This stormwater harvesting and irrigation reuse system will capture water from 294 acres of agricultural fields and a golf course; the equivalent of 35% of the Shields Lake watershed. The re-use system drains to a constructed 1.2-acre pond, which feeds into the golf course's irrigation via a 1,300 foot long pipe and pump system. In addition to the watershed nutrient load reductions from the reuse system, EOR managed the application of alum to reduce internal phosphorus loading and flip to Shields Lake from turbid to clear water. The stormwater harvest system will supply up to 30 million gallons of water per year for irrigation. It will also capture 77 pounds of phosphorus each year.

Client Benefits
- Secured a Clean Water Fund grant for $824,000 from BWSR to partially fund the total estimated cost of $1.03 million.
- The Golf Course’s new irrigation source pond is a great visual resource for the driving range and also corrects long-standing Operations & Management issues.
- The re-use irrigation system will prevent approximately 12 to 30 million gallons from being pumped form a regionally significant aquifer.