Groundwater Management Plan
Groundwater Management Plan
The Vermillion River is one of five high priority trout streams in the Twin Cities Metro and its location in a rapidly developing area make it highly susceptible to impacts. A detailed monitoring program (23 stream reaches over 55 mi. of river channel) was designed to evaluate groundwater interactions. Monitoring data was analyzed and used to develop maps of key recharge areas, infiltration potential, groundwater contours and regions of groundwater/surface water interaction. EOR assisted in the creation of an overlay district to guide future policy development and developed a model ordinance to protect groundwater recharge quality and quantity.

Client Benefits
- Protection plan created for groundwater dependent resources and base-flow contributions to the river.
- Developed a protection plan model ordinance.
- Detailed inventory of Vermillion River’s groundwater resources.
- Located areas of high recharge and infiltration potential.