Habitat Restoration
Habitat Restoration
A water balance and water quality analysis study informed management decisions in restoring in-lake phosphorus levels to a range normal for this ecoregion. EOR also established submerged, floating leaf, and emergent marsh communities for state-designated wildlife lake use. Our team conducted pollutant load modeling and a groundwater-linked water balance using multiple seasons-worth of in-lake data. This analysis suggested two outlet alternatives and eventually contributed to the preliminary design of the preferred alternative. EOR prepared an environmental assessment worksheet (EAW) was prepared to incorporate public input before proceeding with the final design and permitting.

Client Benefits
- Informed the decision-making process for one of the state’s premier shallow lakes for waterfowl production.
- Addressed watershed effects on a 4,000-acre lake where water quality has declined, and in-lake communities shifted from macrophyte-dominated to phytoplankton-dominated.