Hay Creek Restoration
Hay Creek Restoration
EOR improved the ecological health and connectivity of a 1.5 mile reach of Hay Creek to address channel incision, bank erosion, and degraded aquatic & riparian conditions of this Driftless Area coldwater trout stream. The project prioritized floodplain connectivity to improve floodplain hydrology and reduce flood energy within the active channel.
The project used a variety of bioengineering techniques that reconnected the floodplain, improved the pattern & profile of the stream, and re-established riffles and pools that had been embedded by fine sediment. The project also incorporated non-game habitat features including floodplain wetlands, snag trees, vernal pools, swallow nesting cutbanks, and connected backwater refugia.
Riparian vegetation was improved through removal of woody and herbaceous invasive species and planting of 53 species of native grasses and forbs to support diverse pollinator habitat.

Client Benefits
- Improved water quality and reduced sediment & nutrient inputs to the stream.
- Improved wildlife habitat throughout reach.
- Provided full-time construction oversight to complete an aggressive construction schedule within an 8-week period.