Low Impact Design Manual
Low Impact Design Manual
Low Impact Development (LID) is a new, significantly improved system of stormwater management and urban design. In Ontario, many engineers and contractors are unfamiliar with how to properly construct these systems. For this reason, the Credit Valley Conservation Authority (CVC) teamed up with EOR to develop the Low Impact Development Construction Guide, and the Contractor's and Inspector's (CandI) Field Guide. The LID Construction Guide alerts engineers of common LID failures for all phases of construction. It provides specifications guidance on how to avoid LID failure. The accompanying CandI Field Guide is a practical field guide delivered primarily through graphics and photographs illustrating both best management practices of LID design and construction techniques.

Client Benefits
- Combines years of practical experience to supplement theoretical LID knowledge.
- Guides communicate technical information to both technical and non-technical audiences.
- Graphics and layout highlight key design considerations and construction techniques and practices.
- Guides regularly updated by the client CVC, as needed.

- 2012 MASLA Merit Award for Communication Design from the Minnesota branch of the American Society of Landscape Architects (MASLA)