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Mine Permit Preparation Assistance

Mine Permit Preparation Assistance

EOR's mining Technical Advisory Team (TAT) worked with the Minnesota DNR's Lands & Minerals Division to complete a detailed evaluation of the PolyMet Mining Corp's proposed NorthMet Copper-Nickel sulfide mine. EOR's work focused on preparing permit language and conditions that protected the state's resources. Our team consisted of national experts in mine, geotechnical, and water resources engineering; hydrogeology; geochemistry; and environmental sciences. As part of the permitting process, EOR collaborated with multiple other state agencies to address interrelated issues involved with the permit and mining practices. This permit is Minnesota's first hard rock mining permit and required our team's deep experience with mines in the western U.S. and other countries. The team's expertise was particularly important in addressing the potential risks, liabilities, and financial costs of mine failure, mine closure, and mine reclamation.

Client Benefits

  • Comprehensive knowledge of hard rock mining practices applied to proposed permit conditions.
  • Expert knowledge of the water & ecological resources where mining is proposed to occur.

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