Northern River Restoration
Northern River Restoration
EOR conducted a field assessment of a 12-mile section of the Blackhoof River. The assessment discovered severe erosion along the valley walls caused by record rainfall in June 2012. Sections of the river were clogged by mass wasting events and by tangles of trees that dammed flows and caused sediment aggradation. The result was long, silted-in reaches of a river that previously intact habitat for Steelhead and native brook trout. EOR developed a restoration plan adapted to the remote location with limited access and implemented a low-impact approach that did not use heavy equipment. Significant log jams were removed, slumping banks were stabilized, and flow rates revived. These changes helped restore steelhead and trout spawning habitat.

Client Benefits
- Implemented rapid bio-assessment protocols and identified numerous impairments to riparian habitat.
- Developed and implemented a restoration plan for 6 miles of remote river on an aggressive schedule.
- Executed the project without heavy equipment by sourcing & training a labor force in manual logging equipment and methods.