Scientific & Natural Area Planning
Scientific & Natural Area Planning
EOR developed Adaptive Management Plans for 19 Scientific and Natural Areas (SNAs) across the state of Minnesota. The SNAs included prairies, wetlands, oak savanna, coniferous, hardwood and floodplain forests, as well as sites protecting geological features and rare species, such as piping plovers. Plan preparation included desktop reviews, field visits, and consultation with Minn. DNR staff. EOR assessed sites for natural resource management needs including invasive species control, prescribed burning, protection of rare and natural features, native plant community restoration, and public access needs such as interpretation, site rules, and site access. All plans included a detailed site description, site-specific goals, SMART objectives, implementation guidelines and strategies, and a 10-year implementation schedule.

Client Benefits
- Long-term adaptive management plans identified site specific goals and objectives.
- Detailed site surveys and maps (including new GIS shapefiles) of each site assisted in identifying and locating management needs.
- Developed implementation guidelines and schedules for natural resource management and restoration activities were.