Trout Stream Restoration
Trout Stream Restoration
EOR restored 4,050 linear feet of Wisel Creek to improve instream fish and invertebrate habitat and fishing opportunities for anglers. Landuse changes in the watershed had resulted in channel incision and floodplain abandonment, sediment aggradation, and degradation of instream habitat and floodplain hydrology.
EOR completed project assessment, design, and construction oversight that focused on floodplain connectivity and restoration of stream pattern and slope, reestablishment of riffles and pools, and restoration of native riparian vegetation and pollinator habitat. Non-game habitat was also a key element with the addition of floodplain wetlands, swallow nesting habitat, and slackwater refugia for a variety of aquatic organisms.

Client Benefits
- Improved water quality and reduced sediment loading to the creek
- Restored channel pattern and riffle-pool habitat for aquatic biota
- Increased angler access and improved fishability
- Facilitated a partnership with the client, landowners, & USDA-NRCS to allow for federal funding to be used on the project